Monday, October 21, 2019

N 15 Due Oct 23 About weird ideas


An Italian political activist (a provocateur) launched the idea that older people, past a certain age, should lose the right to vote.
Aside from the details (what age etc.), what do you think about this idea? 

In favor or against? Or IGNAVO/IGNAVA.

And, most important, WHY?

Reply to a comment that support the opposite position but that presents an original and smart argument.


  1. I don't agree with this idea, I think its absurd to try to stop a certain age group from voting. As a citizen of a nation voting is a right. I completely disagree with this idea. I think everyone in the nation should be allowed to vote for whomever they think is right for them. Also certain issues are specific to a certain demographic but that doesn't mean the policies won't affect others living in the country.

  2. I believe that if you are born a citizen, you have the right to vote. It is ludicrous to take away that right just because you have reached a certain age. I do not agree with this because I feel like this a form of censorship that targets a unique demographic and restricts their power. If the bill passes through, another age group might be targeted next. If they continue to do this, will the nation truly be democratic?

    1. I agree that their rights will be restricted but I question what you mean by "born a citizen". My family were not born citizens but have gained citizenship in this country and I believe they should continue to have the right to vote and contribute to our democracy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think this idea or law is dumb. I say that this law is dumb because if you are a citizen and are eligible to vote, then you should be able to vote and choose what you want to happen in your country. The voting system shouldn't discriminate against any kinds of people, every person that is a citizen should have an equal voice for the future of their country.

  5. The founding principles of a democratic nation is to promote equality regardless of gender, religion, race and although not often implicit stated, aging. If a country or society inhibit a citizen's right to vote, then they are denied one of their most basic and humane rights as citizens of the country. Also, If older people are denied the right to vote, then what becomes of their future after retirement ?

  6. Personally I disagree with this idea because why would anyone get denied the right to vote just because they had pass a certain age. Nation should not discriminate against any kinds of people. If you're a citizen of a country you should have the right to vote for your own leader and future like any other citizen that current living in that country and not be restricted because of age.

  7. I am against this idea of not letting people of certain age to vote because it is not fair. These people have served for the country for years and it is the nation's duty to let them vote. These people have payed taxes for years and fulfilled all the responsibilities of a citizen. I don't believe that they deserve to lose the right to vote. It is their RIGHT. They have equal freedom to choose the leader of their country as any other young person has. Therefore, this idea as a whole seems to be illogical and rude.

  8. I believe all tax payers present and past should retain their right to vote regardless of age. I believe that it an extremely disrespect to bar someone from voting based on their age because the older generation was the driving influence and the voter for the present government that is currently in power. So making it that they are unable to vote is illogical since it was their voices and opinions that have been the driving force of the present.

    1. I understand your point in that they paid their taxes so they should vote. Understand this, if people vote even when they don't know what they are voting for, it causes problems. If they just vote based on their old ways or because of what they have been hearing, how does that citizen do any good to his country. At that point it is not even their opinion but that of others constantly playing in their head. It does not help the economy because it is not just one older person that were to do this, it is many, which influences voting.

  9. I don't agree with this idea at all. I can't think of any reason to really support this idea, other than that older generations tend to not like change, but that is an observation and not a fact. everyone has the right to vote, as long as they pay their taxes as well as being a citizen.

  10. Okay everyone, Older people are known statistically to vote short sidedly.
    People over 65 are nearly 5 times more likely to not want to spend money on Education and half as likely to support Immigration and and Gay Marriage as well as legalization of lifesaving use of Medicinal Marijuana. Older persons are also bad at using modern tools to perform research on their choices. Also, the over 65 generation does not represent the country's views because they are overwhelmingly white and vote with sharp regularity. I know these views of considering the restriction of voting may be anti democratic but they are worth considering though unpopular.

    1. I understand that older people are statistically to vote short sidedly and that they don't do proper research on their choices but the question is, Does this makes them a less priority?
      Also, its not only for the USA. It is a overall question that implies to all the countries out there.
      Secondly, older people have different views and choices as you mentioned, they might not support the things the younger generation does. However, that is the key concept of a democratic country, everyone has a right and freedom to support and think whatever they want to. Similarly, this gives them a right to chose the candidate they want to, the one they think is better for the country.

  11. I believe that after a certain age, men and women should be given an exam, per say. This exam would test the applicants capability for genera things, such as voting. This should be used to test them, if they have been keeping up with events to make sure they know what's going on, and also to make sure they are capable enough (mentally) to vote. There are many older people who just go with what they hear by family or news just because they are not really informed on what's going on and are reluctant to change. They might just vote for the same party just because they voted for it in the past, which is not right because things are constantly changing. With these problems, voting can be influenced easily and for the wrong reasons.

  12. I do not think elderly people should be denied the right to vote. If anything they have more insight in politic history for what works/does not work for your nation. With that being said, I do still think some elders have a tendency to have the same mentality towards politics. They tend to not sway or be more open minded about new ideas and policies. But if they have the wherewithal to make a clear, uncoerced vote, they should be allotted that right.

  13. I think that everyone has a right to vote, so I do not think elderly should have that right taken away. But I also believe that if you vote you should get educated on the candidates that you are voting for. Many people do not follow the news and vote based on what everyone is saying or who is the most popular candidate. In my opinion everyone not just elderly need to watch all news outlets not only the channels of the party they support. If you watch and read from different news sources you can see both sides of the story and form your own opinion and not be bias. Some elderly people might be set in their ways but they also have to understand that the world we living in today is very different from the one they grew up in. So if they do not agree there is always an option of not voting.
